Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Pastor Inciting Murder And Genocide Of Gays
by Village Idiot ini'm not so much into gay issues as i am into right wing fundamentalist issues but what they say about gays is irksome and at times dangerous.
when trawling the internet for their statements i find that 80% of what they have to say is about gays, more so than abortion or even obama.
i could shrug it off as pathetic ignorance unworthy of a rebuttal if it weren't for the occasional psychos like the one below.. rarely do they explicitly state these opinions but in this video they show their true colors.. this harlem pastor is calling on 'christians' to die and kill for the sake of their beliefs.
Village Idiot
truthseeker, it was rebel who mentioned the Secret Service and they're welcome to pay him a visit. However, what this man has said about killing "Sodomites" and those who "raise their hands against the plans and purposes of God" should be in the domain of the FBI and local law enforcement. It's clearly an incitement to murder. -
Pastor Inciting Murder And Genocide Of Gays
by Village Idiot ini'm not so much into gay issues as i am into right wing fundamentalist issues but what they say about gays is irksome and at times dangerous.
when trawling the internet for their statements i find that 80% of what they have to say is about gays, more so than abortion or even obama.
i could shrug it off as pathetic ignorance unworthy of a rebuttal if it weren't for the occasional psychos like the one below.. rarely do they explicitly state these opinions but in this video they show their true colors.. this harlem pastor is calling on 'christians' to die and kill for the sake of their beliefs.
Village Idiot
"...he will be getting a visit by the Secret Service."
And the Secret Service will do nothing like they did with Ted Nugent.
Pastor Inciting Murder And Genocide Of Gays
by Village Idiot ini'm not so much into gay issues as i am into right wing fundamentalist issues but what they say about gays is irksome and at times dangerous.
when trawling the internet for their statements i find that 80% of what they have to say is about gays, more so than abortion or even obama.
i could shrug it off as pathetic ignorance unworthy of a rebuttal if it weren't for the occasional psychos like the one below.. rarely do they explicitly state these opinions but in this video they show their true colors.. this harlem pastor is calling on 'christians' to die and kill for the sake of their beliefs.
Village Idiot
I'm not so much into gay issues as I am into Right Wing Fundamentalist issues but what they say about gays is irksome and at times dangerous. When trawling the internet for their statements I find that 80% of what they have to say is about gays, more so than abortion or even Obama. I could shrug it off as pathetic ignorance unworthy of a rebuttal if it weren't for the occasional psychos like the one below.
Rarely do they explicitly state these opinions but in this video they show their true colors.
This Harlem pastor is calling on 'Christians' to die and kill for the sake of their beliefs. To quote his words:
"If we're going to win this battle for the lord God almighty, two things are going to have to happen in terms of our battle strategies. We've got to be willing to die for what we believe. If you believe the word of God, then there is no way you will not die willingly for the cause of Christ. But the other thing - if we're gonna win this battle against Obama, the long-leggy mack daddy, the quasi-Muslim freak, the vice president of both death and hell, against the sodomites, against racism - we're gonna have to be willing to kill as well. You can try to arrest me, saying that I'm inciting murderous behavior. Go ahead and try. See if that will stand up in court. Let me tell you something, if you're not willing to kill for what you believe, if you're not will to kill those that are diametrically opposed in great evil against you believe, then you're not worthy of his service. You gotta be willing to kill. You gotta be willing to die." - Pastor James David Manning
"Listen, I believe in stoning. I've said it I believe in stoning Sodomite - I believe stoning anyone who raises their hand against the purposes or plans of God."
You can ignore his comments about Ann Coulter and go to the 2:00 and the 7:20 mark to hear the gist of what he's saying. This is as explicit a statement as possible.
Needless to say this is much stronger stuff than anything the Watchtower has to say but its danger lies in the fact that these people have influence over 30% of the general US population. I can imagine 'lone wolf' attacks encouraged by men such as these. I can also imagine, at a time of political turmoil with conservative states seceding from or fighting the US Federal Government, their enforcing laws like these.
Try watching the whole thing.
Toss a smart bomb
by Giordano ini meet regularly for a bro lunch with a couple of friends of mine.
the conversation is usually first rate and free flowing.
one day we were talking about education and i mentioned that having been raised in a cult i had passed on college...... to pioneer.. .
Why do we get TTATT and others don't?
by quest81 ini have thought about how ttatt came full circle for me.
how the connecting the dots was simple and just made sense,.
how silos of information are literally at our fingertips today.. why is it that the ones we love cannot get ttatt?.
Village Idiot
One can add to the list the Watchtower's self glorification.
It wasn't hypocrisy or doctrine or date setting that got me out. It was hearing the constant praise of the Watchtower elevating themselves to God's level. Actually replacing God.
I remember my first doubt starting when one of the elders mentioned an elderly lady who said that every Watchtower that she opened was like receiving a letter from Jehovah.
World becoming more religious not less
by Stealth inthis is bad news for the evolution of humankind.
even worse, islam is the fastest growing religion. .
Village Idiot
"I think people seek religion when their world fails them in some way."
Heaven, religion loves misery. It provides people with a thought process that fantasizes about a good life beyond their current one and keeps them from despair. One thing to know is that we have evidence of religion, or magic, from prehistoric paintings dating back to 35,000 years ago. It must be hardwired in our brain.
"I've read that Islam had a medieval heyday, too - there was relative tolerance of 'the other' and a thirst to acquire knowledge. We must ask why Islam is apparently regressing, not progressing."
Good point Uni. I believe their religiosity is enhanced by the poverty of their lives which in turn is the result of their arid environment. It must have taken a wise and strict ruler to, temporarily, civilize them.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Happy?
by minimus ini know of the local congregation's issues, per an elder i know quite well.
he has said that nearly everyone in the congregation is suffering emotionally and mentally.
he said he has never seen so many witnesses with so many problems.
Village Idiot
On a personal note, I was having crying fits in the Kingdom Hall and anxiety attacks out in field service. Happy as can be. -
What Exactly Is The JW View of Physical Discipline, Corporal Punishment?
by minimus ini believe that since it is not politically correct to spank your child, the watchtower doesn't push parents anymore in that direction.. years ago, elders would sit a parent down and tell them that they needed to discipline their kids and if needed, give them a spanking, since the bible says, they won't die if you give them a beating.. what is the watchtower's view on this subject now?.
Village Idiot
I don't know what their current stand on that subject is but many years ago it was a forthright "spare the rod spoil the child". I doubt they've changed. -
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Happy?
by minimus ini know of the local congregation's issues, per an elder i know quite well.
he has said that nearly everyone in the congregation is suffering emotionally and mentally.
he said he has never seen so many witnesses with so many problems.
Village Idiot
"Are Jehovah's Witnesses Happy?"
Only if they're sociopathic.
Last chance to make an impact! Help me please....
by Anon_SA1 inso tomorrow is going to be my last encounter with a jw friend of mine for various reasons on her side.
(long story).
i have spent a lot of time discussing various concerns about the jw teachings, but havent been able to make any progress in helping her to question or doubt the teachings.
Village Idiot
If you could tell us a little bit about her it might help.
I personally would tell any JW something like the following:
Whatever happens no matter how bad it gets is not going to be anything like what the Watchtower predicts and you'll be wasting your time being in it.
They used to say that the end times was between 1799 and 1914 and that 1914 was going to be the start of the Millennium with Armageddon being a 40 year period between 1874 and 1914. Then when that failed they started saying that 1914 was the beginning of the end and that the end would end within the lifetime of those who were then alive. Now they make some incomprehensible statement about 1914 and "overlapping generations".
Don't waste your future with people who can't understand what their future is going to be like.
Keep it simple and short otherwise she won't remember what you said later on. No point in trying to deluge her with information. It won't make a lasting impression to make more than two or three points. Just stick to that one and elaborate on it.